
Against the scenic backdrop of the Pontine Coast, lies the splendid Terracina: one of the most popular seaside resorts on the Latium coast, thanks to its long sandy shores - equipped with every comfort - and the presence of several areas where you can have fun during the summer. Here you can experience wonderful moments on the beach, but also enjoy precious little tastes of history, strolling through the narrow streets of the village.

The town of Terracina is structured on two levels: there is the lower part, which dates back to Roman times, and the upper part, which houses the historic centre. Walking along the main street, Corso Anita Garibaldi, you will pass eighteenth-century buildings and fascinating Baroque churches, until you reach the Foro Emiliano, which still retains its charm after centuries. From the Piazza del Municipio, you can then walk a few steps to Terracina Cathedral and the Capitolium: an ancient temple dedicated to the main gods Giova, Juno and Minerva. You will also be able to see what was once the Roman theatre, which stood on the Via Appia with seats for about 4000 spectators.

And if you are a trekking lover, as well as a history buff, we suggest you climb up to Monte Sant'Angelo and reach the temple of Jupiter Anxur - 200 metres from the sea. This is one of the largest Roman sanctuaries from the Republican era in Lazio, where you can enjoy a wonderful view of the Ulysses Riviera and the Circeo promontory.

Coming here, you will be amazed at how much everyday life is in close contact with the history of this ancient town, which ranks among the most beautiful gems of the Ulysses Riviera.

Set off with us for Terracina and be surprised by all the charm of the Pontine Coast