A long story of the sea

There are stories that arise from an intuition. That feed on courage and resourcefulness. Our origin has a name and a surname:
Agostino Lauro.

1948, the beginning of the dream

Ischia had not yet the tourist appeal of today, the Second World War was coming to an end.
Great ideas arise when we turn the page.Often, they are born by rethinking things.
Imagining new realities. Augustine loved the sea, always. And with a mass of war, which he called Freccia del Golfo, he brought his island to the continent.
It was 1948, he was realizing a dream.

Inizio del sogno
There are a lot of bad reasons to start a business. But there’s only one good and legitimate reason for that, and I think I know what it is: to change the world.
Phil Libin
Un mare che unisce

A sea that unites

What we still do today is imagine that the sea unites, rather than divides. We have transformed the lives of generations of islanders. Between the '50s and the '70s, Agostino created the first private fleet in the Gulf of Naples: he started with small boats, then relied on large and fast ships. Starting from a bitta, Augustine was changing our way of thinking.

Meanwhile, Angelo Rizzoli had made Ischia famous and attractive: tourism had elected Alilauro was a privileged destination. And he had already understood that he had two missions: on the one hand to bring the islanders closer to Naples, on the other to realize the dream of thousands of tourists heading for the island.

The journey as experience

With the passing of Augustine, Saviour - his son - proudly took up the legacy of a man of great values. And he was able to follow in his footsteps, often anticipating the times. Technology and comfort, first of all. Travel is an experience.

Salvatore dared
challenge time.

It is because that’s what makes us great: to dream big. When he introduced hydrofoils, he made a small revolution: the journey to the mainland became fast, accessible, comfortable.

Salvatore Lauro

A family holding company

Destinations have multiplied. Alilauro has become a holding company, never denying its family origins. Because some businesses are mainly families. And it is true: today our group embraces companies, companies and consortia engaged in tourism and fast traffic, but there is no day when it is not clear what we have been. Our origins resemble our future.

The third generation

The third generation has the face of Mariaceleste, Mariasole and Agostino.
Values never change, ever. Alilauro is an extraordinarily young but deeply ancient company: the workforce has an average age of 35 years, women play key roles. Those who choose to travel with us choose to be part of a story.

La terza generazione
The goals achieved today are the impossible enterprises of yesterday
Robert H. Schuller

A sea without borders

We don’t know borders at sea, we break down barriers for travelers. We understand what a comfortable journey means and there is no day when we don’t try to improve ourselves. For children, that with us find worlds to color and portholes through which to feel protagonists. For the elderly. For those with disabilities, because we want to make the world inclusive, to measure our differences. That make us unique. We love the sea and we strive every day to preserve it. Reducing emissions, supporting environmental protection initiatives, respecting it.
As Agostino Lauro taught us

The two most important things do not appear in a company’s balance sheet: its reputation and its men.
Henry Ford
Da noi alle nostre persone

We water our roots looking to tomorrow

Those who work with us share the path traced by those who founded Alilauro: this is why we love our collaborators and firmly believe that every talent must be cultivated.

Aware that, proverbially, the good sailor is seen during storms. Navigating towards a common horizon makes us proud of who we are today.

In the name of Augustine, continuing that long history of the sea of which we are part.